Intricately Carved Deity Statue in Serene Temple Setting

a statue of a person sitting in a chair

In a serene temple setting, a deity is depicted in a conceptual shot that exudes a sense of reverence. Dramatic lighting highlights the intricate carvings and artifacts surrounding the statue, capturing the viewer's attention. The expressions on the deity's face evoke a deep sense of spiritual connection. The image strikes a harmonious balance between abstract and photo-realistic styles, immersing viewers in a world of divine beauty and tranquility.

/imagine prompt: Conceptual shot of a deity, dramatically lit in a serene temple setting. Detailed focus on intricate carvings, artifacts, expressions evoking reverence. Stylistically abstract, yet photo-realistic, shot with a Canon EOS 5D Mark IV, high-res, fine-art photography --v 5.2 --ar 1:1
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