Iced Caramel Latte with Whipped Cream in Glass

a glass with a liquid and whipped cream on top of it

An image of an iced caramel latte is presented in remarkable detail, the glass vessel revealing every bubble and ripple of the chilled, creamy beverage. The darker tones of the caramel swirl harmoniously with the lighter hues of the milk, creating a visual dance of colors. The top of the latte is crowned with a dollop of well-defined whipped cream, creating a tantalising contrast. It teeters invitingly, partially skirting the rim, with an air of indulgence and luxury.

The glass is positioned on a surface that beautifully mirrors its contents, adding depth to the scene. The surroundings yield to the focus on the glass, casting it in a spotlight of interesting shadows and highlights. A tangible sense of cool refreshment permeates the image, the chill of the latte almost palpable amidst the warming caramel tones. Despite the stillness of the scene, the latte seems to whisper a tantalising invitation to partake in its refreshing sweetness.

/imagine prompt: Iced caramel latte, shot on a Canon EOS R6, 24mm lens f/ 2. 8, indulgent and refreshing, --v 5.2 --ar 2:3
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