Indian Woman in Traditional Attire with Delicate Matha Patti Jewelry

a woman in a bridal dress and veil

An image showcases an Indian woman adorned in traditional attire, marked by its rich textures and colors. Her delicate features are accentuated by the intricate designs of a Matha Patti she wears. The jewelry sparkles with a notable level of detail, a testament to its exquisite craftsmanship. Her veil contours her gentle face like a soft, misty aura, creating an overall sense of delicacy and richness.

/imagine prompt: Portrait of an Indian woman wearing a traditional Matha Patti, captured with Canon EOS 5D Mark IV for detailed images. Highlight the jewelry's intricate designs, the woman's delicate features, and the richness of the traditional attire --v 5.2 --ar 2:3
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