Intricate Network of Glowing Fiber Optic Cables Depicting Internet Connectivity

a close up of a bunch of wires

In this conceptually rich image, glowing fiber optic cables, bathed in neon blue and purple hues, twist and twine, representing complex connections. The intricate details and stark contrasts convey a futuristic aesthetic akin to a commercial-style rendering. These intertwining cables epitomize the intricate, interconnected nature of the internet in a visually arresting manner, showcasing a sense of complexity and connectivity.

/imagine prompt: A conceptual representation of the internet, glowing fiber optic cables intertwined, conveying sense of connection and complexity, commercial-style. Neon hues blue and purple, dynamic contrasts, sharp details, Hasselblad H6D-100c, futuristic aesthetic --v 5.2 --ar 16:9
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