Majestic Ocean Storm with Purple Lightning Illuminating Waves

a group of lightnings over a body of water

Majestic dark-purple storm clouds loom over a vast, restless ocean in this image. The clouds display intricate swirling patterns, creating an imposing, atmospheric scene. Intermittent forks of lightning pierce the gloom, splintering the view with brilliant white light, and revealing the undulating waves below. The image conveys a powerful sense of nature's turbulence and grandeur, notable for its striking depiction of weather and its finely detailed elements.

/imagine prompt: Majestic storms brewing over the ocean, powerful, atmospheric, 8k resolution, hyperrealism, real-life photography. Dark-purple storm clouds, swirling patterns with forks of lightning illuminating the waves, shot with Nikon D850, great attention to detail --v 5.2 --ar 3:2
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