Misty Dawn over Illuminated Rice Paddy Field with Dew-kissed Stalks

a foggy field with tall grass in the foreground

A pastoral image depicts a rice farm bathed in the soft light of dawn, a hazy mist shrouding the meticulous rows of crops stretching to the horizon. The symmetrical layout conveys a sense of tranquility. Dew-kissed stalks in the foreground shimmer with vivid detail; budding grains bloom in the mellow morning glow. The warm color palette suggests the agrarian lifestyle's simplicity and rustic charm.

/imagine prompt: A beautifully illuminated rice farm at dawn, covered in a misty haze. The visual should capture meticulous rows of crops stretching to the horizon, with focus on dewy stalks and budding grains. Aim to represent agrarian lifestyle through warm colors, symmetry, and simplistic artistry in the style of Sebastião Salgado. Use Nikon D850, capturing high resolution details --v 5.2 --ar 3:2
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