Moody Cityscape at Sunset Through a Rain-Soaked Window

a view of a city through a rain covered window

An image captures a peaceful cityscape at sunset through a rain-soaked window, providing a moody, reflective perspective on urban life. Minute raindrops speckle the glass, their contours reflecting the dimming light. The city lights beyond sparkle in soft bokeh, creating the effect of blurred luminous orbs. The reflective transparency of the window is beautifully preserved, letting viewers feel intimately close to the rain yet remote from the cityscape.

/imagine prompt: "Rain-soaked window framing a serene cityscape at sunset, making for a moody composition. Details of the rain drops on the glass, bokeh effect of city lights. Shot on Canon EOS R5, preserving the reflective transparency of the window." --v 5.2 --ar 3:2
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