Moody Cityscape at Sunset Through Rain-Soaked Window

rain drops on a window as cars drive down a street

In this captivating image, a rain-soaked window becomes a frame for a serene cityscape at sunset, creating a moody and atmospheric composition. The window's reflective transparency is preserved, allowing for a glimpse of the outside world distorted by raindrops. The gentle bokeh effect of the city lights adds a touch of enchantment to the scene. The image resembles an impressionist painting, evoking a sense of tranquility and artistic expression.

/imagine prompt: "Rain-soaked window framing a serene cityscape at sunset, making for a moody composition. Details of the rain drops on the glass, bokeh effect of city lights. Shot on Canon EOS R5, preserving the reflective transparency of the window." --v 5.2 --ar 3:2
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