Painterly Image of Sai Baba in Traditional Orange Attire with Tranquil Aura

a painting of an old man wearing an orange outfit

This image showcases a serene portrait of an elderly man, donning traditional orange attire, rendered with a vibrant oil painting style. His absorbingly deep eyes exude a peaceful aura, contributing to an overall spiritual ambiance. The intricate detailing in his attire and the warm, harmonious backdrop appear incredibly lifelike, serving to intensify the sense of peace and transcendence conveyed by the image.

/imagine prompt: A vibrant oil painting-style image of Sai Baba, absorbingly deep eyes, peaceful aura, high detail put into the traditional orange attire and backdrop, creating a spiritual ambiance. Capture as a realistic art piece with the Canon 5D Mark IV in fine-art style, high resolution. --v 5.2 --ar 3:4
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