Majestic Deity Portrait Radiating with Celestial Light

a man with a long beard and a long beard

This image presents a majestic deity, his face alive with wisdom and power. His long, flowing beard and mature countenance, bathed in celestial light, strike an impactful impression. The scene resonates with spiritual depth, the deity’s radiant aura providing a stirring surrealistic touch. The style, with stark contrasts of light and shadow, invokes the dramatic chiaroscuro technique often found in classical oil paintings, enhancing the divine representation.

/imagine prompt: Artistic representation of a majestic deity, radiant with celestial light, in the style of Rembrandt's chiaroscuro lighting, Oil Painting, spirituality and divinity, Olympus OM-D E-M1X, stirring, surrealistic, representational, impactful, detailed godly visage --v 5.2 --ar 2:3
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