Photorealistic Painting of a Fluffy Rabbit in a Grassy Field

a small rabbit sitting in the grass looking at the camera

In a frame bursting with nature's vitality, a fluffy khargosh (rabbit) nestles comfortably amid vibrant green grasses. Its alert eyes shine with gentle curiosity, capturing attention. The soft fur textures, touched by warm sunlight, catch and exhibit each detail of the rabbit’s delicate coat ont his image. Radiating a tender demeanor, this little creature effortlessly combines lifelike detail and lush surroundings in a poignant display of natural beauty.

/imagine prompt: A fluffy khargosh (rabbit) in a natural setting, surrounded by green grasses. Capture the soft fur textures, the alert eyes, and tender demeanor within the frame in a high-definition lifestyle photography style --v 5.2 --ar 1:1
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