Photorealistic Portrait of a Rabbit in Straw-Colored Lighting

a rabbit sitting in the middle of a field

A captivating, full-bodied portrait of a rabbit, displayed in an enchanting minimalistic style. The creature's fur is intricately detailed, its texture enhanced by a gentle, straw-colored light. The neutral tones emphasize the rabbit's natural elegance. Captured in the middle of a wide, open field, a spark of life is reflected in the animal's eyes. The image successfully blends the simplistic charm of nature with an endearing sense of character.

/imagine prompt: A charming, full-body shot of a fine-art portrait of a rabbit, minimalistic style, neutral hues with gentle straw-colored light, detailed fur texture, Canon EOS R6, catch-lights in the eyes --v 5.2 --ar 1:1
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