Stunning Sunset Over Water with Feather-Like Clouds in Sky

a beautiful sunset over a body of water

This image unveils a breathtaking landscape at dusk, the sky filled with feather-like, fluffy clouds. The spectacular colors of sunset, in hues of deep orange and dusky pink, are reflected on the serene cloudscape. The vast depth of field and ultra-fine granular texture convey an epic sense of scale. The calm water beneath, mirroring the sky's colors, contributes to the overall serenity and grandeur of this image.

/imagine prompt: Breathtaking landscape of a sky filled with fluffy clouds at dusk; spectacular colours of sunset reflected on the feather-like clouds; Ansel Adams style, Leica M6, ultra fine grain, large depth field, neutral density filter, epic, serene, 70mm film --v 5.2 --ar 3:2
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