Stylish Music Studio Portrait with Headphones and Sunglasses

a man wearing headphones and sunglasses in a dark room

In this captivating lifestyle portrait, a charismatic individual resembling Wiz Khalifa stands confidently in a music studio. He exudes a cool and maverick style, with a stand-alone microphone at hand and headphones casually draped around his neck. His sunglasses reflect the vibrant neon lights, adding an edgy cyberpunk touch to the scene. The image's fine details and high-resolution capture, without explicitly mentioning the technical aspects, bring the viewer into the immersive world of this intriguing character created by Terrell James.

/imagine prompt: A lifestyle portrait of a Wiz Khalifa look-alike in a music studio, stand-alone mic, and headphones around his neck. Capture reflections of neon lights on his sunglasses, expressing his cool and maverick style. Fine grinding details, high resolution using Nikon Z7II --v 5.2 --ar 3:4
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