Fashionable Afro-American Man in Glasses and Red Jacket in Urban Setting

a man with dreadlocks and a red jacket

This image captures an immaculately attired Afro-American man exuding a confident, scholarly air. His well-groomed beard and glasses complement his high-end clothing in resplendent earthy hues. The portrait is set in a vibrant, urban landscape, bathed in natural light, highlighting the intricate textures of his dreadlocks and garment. It emanates an air of sophistication and inspiration, effectively translating the man's imposing persona through hyper-realistic detaining.

/imagine prompt: Afro-American man, fashion model, inspirational, high detail, natural lighting, precise hyper-realism. He is scholarly, sporting glasses, a well-groomed beard, high-end clothing in rich, earthy colors. Captured in a modern urban setting, reflecting confidence and sophistication, Nikon D850, 8K resolution --v 5.2 --ar 2:3
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