Summer Panorama of Kullu Manali with Terraced Fields, River, and Snow-capped Peaks

an aerial view of a valley surrounded by mountains

An awe-inspiring panorama unfolds, capturing the radiant beauty of Kullu Manali in summer. Dappled sunlight washes over the meticulously terraced fields, while the dormant, snow-capped peaks nobly guard the distant horizon. The effervescent Beas River meanders through undulating valleys, injecting life into this idyllic landscape. The broad expanse of the land is perfectly captured, as early morning light breathes vibrancy into this picturesque scene, encapsulating the tranquil summer ambiance.

/imagine prompt: A high-quality, ultra-realistic panorama of Kullu Manali in summer, showcasing the terraced fields, valleys, the Beas River, and snow-capped peaks in the distant backdrop. Captured at sunrise using Canon EOS 5D Mark IV with a variety wide-angle lens to encompass the breathtaking view. --v 5.2 --ar 3:1
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