Sunrise Over Ocean Waves: An Inspiring Panoramic Seascape

a large body of water with a sunset in the background

An atmospheric ocean panorama unfolds, rendered with exquisite precision. The golden rays of a rising sun glimmer softly across the water, imbuing the scene with a sense of hope and renewal. The horizon seems to stretch endlessly under this rosy dawn. Gentle waves ripple outward, conveying a striking sense of scale. This radiant, sublime artwork captures the essence of an ocean's allure at the break of day, mesmerizing viewers with its tranquility.

/imagine prompt: Atmospheric ocean scene, with the gentle shimmer of the rising sun reflecting off the waves, potential to inspire hope and rejuvenation. Utilize golden and rosy hues, soft lighting, fine detail depth of field to enhance the sense of scale, sublime art, high resolution, fine-art photography --v 5.2 --ar 16:9
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