Serene Early Morning Golf Course with Dew-Fresh Fairways and River

a golf course with a river running through it

The image captures an early morning scene at a tranquil golf course. The lush, verdant grass of the fairways is coated in a delicate sheen of shimmering dew, imbuing the landscape with a sense of freshness and vitality. A river meanders through the course, its peaceful flow reflected in the crystalline water. The tranquility of this scene is further emphasized by the soft pastel hues of dawn that paint the sky above.

Each detail is rendered with exquisite hyper-realism, from the individual blades of grass sparkling with moisture to the serene flow of the river. This long-exposure depiction lends the scene an ethereal, dreamlike quality. It evokes feelings of peace, the serene atmosphere encapsulating the quiet stillness found only in the early morning hours, creating an engaging visual meditation on tranquility.

/imagine prompt: Capture the serene early morning scene of a golf course, dew still fresh on the bright green fairways, in a hyper-realistic style using long exposure, aiming to evoke peace and tranquility --v 5.2 --ar 2:3
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