Tranquil Morning Light Shining on an Untouched Forest Landscape

the sun shines through the trees and shines on the water

A surreal, untouched forest thrives at dawn, with morning light filtering through the verdant canopy, casting a prismatic array of hues. Majestic trees stand tall and strong, cloaked in dew-kissed foliage shimmering under the soft, mystical radiance. The water surface gleams lazily, mirroring the serene spectacle above. Incredible detail paints a tranquil atmosphere, creating a harmonious blend of reality and finesse. The image's enchanting realism bestows a sense of being lost within this ethereal woodland, suspended in time.

/imagine prompt: Enthralling image of an untouched forest, bathed in the soft, mystical light of early dawn, the dew-kissed foliage shimmering with a prismatic play of colors. Strive for maximum realism with an eye for detail, an array of hues and a tranquil atmosphere. Shot with a Leica SL2-S for ultra-high resolution and crisp details, using a 35mm lens, f/1.4, ISO 100, 1/500s. Implement the serene finesse of fine-art photography. --v 5.2 --ar 3:2
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