Serene Sunrise Illuminating Tranquil Forest Scene

the sun shines through the trees in the forest

In this serene image, a soft sunrise gently filters through a tranquil evergreen forest, casting long shadows that dance among the towering ancient trunks. The morning light delicately illuminates the tips of the lush leaves, creating a peaceful ambiance. The scene is detailed, capturing the enchanting beauty of fireflies shimmering in the pure morning light. Immerse yourself in the sounds of nature as you explore this high-resolution image, a captivating creation by a skilled environment artist.

/imagine prompt: Soft sunrise filtering through a calm, evergreen forest, casting long shadows and illuminating leaf tips. Emphasize peaceful ambience, sounds of nature, towering ancient trunks, fireflies in pure morning light, detailed, shot in high resolution --v 5.2 --ar 16:9
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