Ultra-Detailed Macro Photography of Luxurious Purple Fabric Texture

a close up of a purple fabric with a black background

A luxurious purple fabric, draped gracefully, is the focus of this image. The cloth's varied hues, from delicate lilac to rich violet, shimmer under soft, diffused lighting. Its texture, folds, and ripples are meticulously detailed, alluring to the touch. The deep black background hands prominence to the fabric, illuminating its lavishness, and enhancing the image's sophisticated, artistic finesse. This image is an elegant representation of color depth and textile detailing.

/imagine prompt: Fine art macro photography of luxuriously draped purple fabric, accentuating the texture, ripples, and fold details. The fabric should shimmer under soft, diffused light, capturing the richness of hues - lilac to deep violet. Shot with a Nikon D850 and a 105mm f/2.8 Macro lens. --v 5.2 --ar 1:1
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