Ultrafine Detail of Teal Satin Fabric with Delicate Sheen and Smooth Folds

a close up view of a teal colored fabric

This image captures a close-up view of a satin fabric in vibrant teal, its smoothness mirrored by undulating waves and elegant folds. The material's supple sheen exudes luxury, while its jewel-toned saturation expresses an unapologetic richness. The high quality of the image reveals minute details, breathing life into the textures. The commercial and luxurious ambience skillfully evokes an impression of delicate fine art.

/imagine prompt: Macro shot of satin texture, capturing the delicate sheen and smoothness of the fabric, displaying sleek waves and folds, using vibrant jewel-tones, shot with a high-quality Nikon D780 for impeccable detail and true color representation, imbue the setting with commercial, luxurious feel --v 5.2 --ar 1:1
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