Vibrant Abstract Artwork Depicting Trance in Surreal Style

a group of colored smokes floating in the air

This abstract artwork explores the concept of 'trance' through a fusion of contemporary aesthetics and surreal elements. Vibrant streaks of colors flow across the image, showcasing blurred motion to convey a sense of getting lost in one's thoughts. The floating colored smokes create a fluid and dynamic composition, capturing the viewer's attention. The high dynamic range adds depth and richness to the image, while the chunky resolution enhances its intricate details. This visually captivating piece evokes a dreamlike quality, reminiscent of an airbrush painting by Alberto Seveso.

/imagine prompt: An abstract interpretation of 'trance', merging contemporary aesthetics with surreal elements. Play with vibrant streaks of colors, blurred motion to depict the sense of losing oneself within their thoughts. A fluid, dynamic CGI render, high dynamic range in chunky 8K resolution. --v 5.2 --ar 16:9
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