Psychedelic Artwork with Vibrant Colors and Optical Illusion Elements

an eye with colorful paint splatters on it

This image presents a kaleidoscope of flamboyant colors in spiraling patterns, creating an energizing optical illusion reminiscent of 60's psychedelic art. At the core, an eye appears to be splattered with vibrant paint, contributing to a surrealistic voyage. The intricate details reflect elements of the trippy subculture. This creatively stimulating, aesthetically pleasing imagery promises a captivating journey for the viewer's imagination.

/imagine prompt: A psychedelic artwork inspired by the 60's, radiating with bright, flamboyant colours, spiraling patterns merging and separating, generating an optical illusion. Recreation of a surrealistic voyage, leaning towards fine-art photography with detailed elements of the trippy subculture. Eye-boggling, creatively stimulating and aesthetic. --v 5.2 --ar 1:1
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