Vibrant Iridescent Swirls in Hyper-realistic Oil Spill-Inspired Abstract Art

a close up view of a liquid painting

This image captures an abstract, unpredictable swirl of vibrant, iridescent hues that crash and combine like an oil spill's glossy surface. The riotous blend of colors recalls the frenetic energy of a cosmic tapestry, interjected with pockets of holographic intensity. The captivating chaos reminisces some abstract expressionist paintings, seizing the viewer's attention with its sheer complexity and the fluidic dances of its glossy, hypnotic contours.

/imagine prompt: Abstract pattern, hyper-realistic oil spill-inspired design, showcasing a beautiful chaotic swirl of vibrant iridescent, holographic colors and unpredictable flow with glossy surface, reminiscent of the cosmic patterns captured by Jackson Pollock in his drip paintings, captured in ultra-high-resolution with Canon EOS 5D Mark IV --v 5.2 --ar 1:1
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