Vibrant Swirl of Glossy Pigments on a White Background

a mixture of colored ink is being dropped

An image presenting a breathtaking explosion of color on a stark white background. Thick, glossy pigments swirl and dance in an abstract visual symphony, colors merging and separating in a fluid ballet. The image exudes a vibrant interpretation of the term 'Chroma', the detailed interplay and fluidity of motion mimicking a high-energy cosmic spectacle. Not only beautifully vibrant, but also rich in texture, the image offers an intriguing exploration of color and movement.

/imagine prompt: An abstract interpretation of the term 'Chroma' – a vibrant swirl of pigments, thick and glossy, combining and separating on a stark white background. Captured using a Canon EOS-1D X Mark III, in a commercial photography style, emphasizing the detailed interplay of high-resolution colors and the fluidity of the motion --v 5.2 --ar 1:1
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