Vibrant Mauve Color Palette with Flowers and Fabrics in High-Resolution Image

a large pink flower sitting on top of a purple cloth

In this vibrant and expressive image, shades and tones of mauve permeate the entire scene, creating a captivating visual experience. A large pink flower takes center stage, delicately resting on a purple cloth. The fine details and textures of both the flower and fabric are beautifully highlighted, capturing a sense of depth. Soft lighting adds a gentle touch, while the shallow depth of field brings focus to the exquisite subject. The image showcases a high level of detail and expert color grading.

/imagine prompt: Capture a vibrant, expressive RGB mauve, the color permeating through the entire image in different tones and shades. The scene can comprise flowers, fabrics or painted surfaces. Emphasize fine details and texture, soft lighting and shallow depth of field. Shot with a Nikon D850, high-resolution, detailed image with color grading --v 5.2 --ar 1:1
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