Vibrant Mid-Air Color Explosion Against White Backdrop in High-Speed Photography

a multicolored substance is flying in the air

An abstract depiction displays a dynamic explosion of vibrant primary colors suspended mid-air, painting strokes of exuberant hues against a stark-white backdrop for striking contrast. The image freezes the instants of the chaotic flare, giving an entrancing view of the color blast's fine particles amidst their whirlwind dance. The scene's high-energy, crisp details emulate the style of a commercial advertising shoot, creating a fascinating spectacle of color and motion.

/imagine prompt: Abstract commercial photo of color blast in mid-air, a burst of vibrant primary colors against a clean white backdrop for contrast, Canon EOS-1D X Mark III, high speed photography to freeze the action, capturing the dynamic color powder explosion, commercial advertising photography style --v 5.2 --ar 1:1
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