Vibrant Rainbow Light Spectrum in Abstract Art Photography

a multicolored wave of light on a black background

This abstract art photo showcases the mesmerizing beauty of light diffracting through a prism. Against a dark backdrop, vibrant rainbows of visible wavelengths form a stunning spectrum. The image emphasizes the clarity and visual impact of the colorful display, immersing the viewer in a world of vivid hues. The high-resolution capture enhances the intricate details of each color. The result is a captivating image that celebrates the captivating dance of light and color.

/imagine prompt: Produce an abstract, high-resolution art photo of light diffracting through a prism, creating beautiful rainbows of visible wavelength in a dark setting. Maintain a strong focus on the colorful spectrum for enhanced clarity and visual impact, shot with a Canon EOS 5DS R for maximum resolution and color clarity. --v 5.2 --ar 16:9
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