Vibrant Spectrum Captured in Crystal Orbs Fine Art Photography

a group of colorful glass balls sitting on top of a table

This image brings forth an immersive spectacle of dynamic pigments captured within clear, spherical crystals resting on a surface. The orbs radiate vibrant colours, their surfaces smoothly reflecting and refracting light like a visual symphony, resulting in a rainbow-like pattern. The simple elegance of this spectral display is richly detailed, inviting examination, while a hint of surrealism adds intrigue to this beautiful arrangement.

/imagine prompt: Immersive visual journey through a symphony of vibrant pigments suspended in clear crystal orbs. Fine art photo emphasizing simple yet profound beauty of spectral colors. Reflections and refractions play across smooth surfaces, creating a spectrum reminiscent of a rainbow. High resolution, 8K detail with a touch of surrealism. --v 5.2 --ar 1:1
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