Young Indian Man in Traditional Attire with Striking Eyes on Jaipur Streets

a woman with a painted face and head dress

An image presents a young Indian man in ornate traditional attire on the lively streets of Jaipur. His striking eyes seem to narrate a lifetime of stories, adding depth to his captivating features. A backdrop of meticulously crafted, colorful mural art enhances the bright hues of his attire. The image, radiating vivacious colors and intricate visual details, evokes the vibrancy and cultural richness of Indian street life.

/imagine prompt: A 20-year-old Indian boy, exotic traditional attire, striking eyes that tell a story, on the streets of Jaipur, travel photography, Canon EOS 5D Mark IV, mural backdrop, vibrant colors, high quality, realism --v 5.2 --ar 2:3
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