Active Volcano Lava Flowing into the Ocean during Twilight

a very large fire is coming out of the ocean

A spectacle of nature in twilight, this image portrays molten lava cascading into the ocean, creating explosive reactions and steam. The detailed texture of the liquid rock commands focus, and its vibrant, fiery colors contrast starkly against the cool tones of the dusky sky and sea. Wisps of heat distortion and sparks punctuate the air, contributing to the dramatic and dynamic sense of adventure.

/imagine prompt: Captivating view of lava flowing into the ocean from an active volcano. Extreme nature photography, shot in high resolution 8K with Canon EOS R5, vibrant, dynamic with high contrast, capturing heat distortion, steam, sparks in the twilight. Focus on liquid rock texture. Adventure photography. --v 5.2 --ar 2:3
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