Twilight View of Active Volcano Erupting Lava into Ocean

lava flowing down the side of a body of water

Behold the captivating view of molten lava flowing fervently into the ocean under the twilight sky. Vivid colors blend dramatically, as red-hot liquid rock meets the chilling blue ocean, releasing clouds of steam, and sporadic sparks. The texture of the liquid rock initiates a striking contrast, forming an extreme visual narrative of adventure. Brilliant highlights and deep shadows evoke a dynamic, vibrant atmosphere, immersing viewers into the untamed beauty of nature in this image.

/imagine prompt: Captivating view of lava flowing into the ocean from an active volcano. Extreme nature photography, shot in high resolution 8K with Canon EOS R5, vibrant, dynamic with high contrast, capturing heat distortion, steam, sparks in the twilight. Focus on liquid rock texture. Adventure photography. --v 5.2 --ar 2:3
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