Dramatic Underwater Volcano Eruption Disturbing Sea Life

a group of corals floating in a body of water

This image captures the awe-inspiring moment of an underwater volcano eruption. Sea-life darts away from the fierce display where molten lava meets the cool seawater, triggering a dynamic play of light and bubbles. The scene is awash with brilliantly contrasting colors: fiery reds of bubbling lava and rich cinematic blues of the sea. Elements of fantasy decorate the scene, while the display retains incredible levels of realistic detail.

/imagine prompt: Underwater volcano eruption, sea-life scattering, molten lava meeting cool seawater, in the style of a nature documentary, vibrant colors, dynamic light play, fine-bubble texture, realism with hints of fantasy, Foveon sensor, cinematic blues and fiery reds contrast, ultra high definition --v 5.2 --ar 16:9
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