Assorted Healing Crystals on Wooden Surface under Soft Natural Light

a bunch of different colored crystals on a table

An assortment of healing crystals, richly hued and glistening, are carefully arranged on a wooden surface. The play of soft, natural light, catches the multifaceted surfaces of these gems, revealing a dazzling array of colors. The crystal's details are intricately captured, bringing their distinct qualities to life. Their composition on the wooden surface evokes an aura of serenity and strength, in an artwork that echoes the harmonious still-life aesthetic.

/imagine prompt: Create an image of an assortment of richly colored healing crystals, placed meticulously on a wooden surface. Channel the artistry of Robert Mapplethorpe for a still life shot under soft natural light. Focus on detailing the multifaceted surfaces, refracted light play, rich colors, and the aura of serenity and strength they emit --v 5.2 --ar 1:1
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