Assortment of Vibrant Healing Crystals on a Wooden Surface in Natural Light

a bunch of different colored rocks on a table

An assortment of healing crystals, rich in color and diverse in form, meticulously rest on a wooden surface. Their multifaceted surfaces dance under the touch of soft natural light, creating a playful interplay of hues. The crystals emit an aura of serenity and strength, their profound colors as vibrant as a skilled artist’s palette. This crystal scene creates a tranquil yet impactful image, adeptly combining the earthly and spiritual.

/imagine prompt: Create an image of an assortment of richly colored healing crystals, placed meticulously on a wooden surface. Channel the artistry of Robert Mapplethorpe for a still life shot under soft natural light. Focus on detailing the multifaceted surfaces, refracted light play, rich colors, and the aura of serenity and strength they emit --v 5.2 --ar 1:1
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