Assortment of Healing Crystals on Wooden Surface in Soft Natural Light

a group of crystals sitting on top of a table

This image presents a colorful array of healing crystals meticulously arranged on a worn wooden surface. Varied in hue and faceted structure, each crystal captures and refracts the soft natural light, creating a vibrant display of heightened colors. The mood of serene strength envelops the image, painting an intimate portrait of strength and serenity. The deliberate arrangement of the crystals evokes a harmonious balance, reminiscent of a well-crafted still life composition.

/imagine prompt: Create an image of an assortment of richly colored healing crystals, placed meticulously on a wooden surface. Channel the artistry of Robert Mapplethorpe for a still life shot under soft natural light. Focus on detailing the multifaceted surfaces, refracted light play, rich colors, and the aura of serenity and strength they emit --v 5.2 --ar 1:1
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