Close-Up Photo of Beautiful Snow Leopard with Striking Blue Eyes in Winter Setting

a close up of a snow leopard with blue eyes

A close-up of a snow leopard, its pristine white fur depicted in stunning detail against a contrasting winter backdrop. Its piercing blue eyes hold an air of mystery, adding to the ethereal aura of its snowy habitat. Exuding elegance and grace, this creature is displayed in a high-resolution image that beautifully captures its innate elegance. The overall composition is reminiscent of an exquisite piece of fine art, offering a taste of the animal's majestic, elusive beauty.

/imagine prompt: High-resolution, ethereal image capturing the delicate beauty of a white animal in its natural habitat, be it a snow leopard, an Arctic fox or a Swan; shot in the style of fine art photography using Canon EOS R5. Capturing the pristine fur/feather, hovering blue eyes against a contrasting winter or monochrome backdrop, captured in its innate elegance, grace and a sense of mystery --v 5.2 --ar 16:9
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