Close-Up Portrait of Determined Professional Man in Suit

a close up of a man wearing a suit and tie

An intense close-up captures a man in his late thirties, dressed impeccably in a tailored suit. His stern gaze is accentuated, eliciting a clear portrayal of professionalism and determination. The high-resolution image softly blurs the background, placing focus on his piercing eyes. Sharp and vivid, they express a singular focus. A subtle play of light and shadow across his face further underscores his seriousness, creating an almost tactile sense of resolve and intensity.

/imagine prompt: In the style of portrait photography, capture a close-up of a man in his late 30s with a serious face. The subject should be wearing a well-tailored suit, emphasizing a sense of professionalism and determination. Use a Nikon D850, large aperture for shallow depth of field and sharp focus on the eyes. The background should blurr out naturally. Angle the lighting to cast subtle shadows, enhancing the stern expression. CC0 --v 5.2 --ar 1:1
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