High-Resolution Monochrome Portrait of a Stylish Male Model in a Structured Suit

a man in a suit and tie posing for a picture

In this captivating portrait, a male model exudes effortless style in a impeccably tailored suit. His stoic pose and intense gaze command attention against the gritty urban backdrop. The monochrome color scheme adds a timeless quality to the image, accentuating his chiseled facial features and the intricate details of his attire. With raw emotion emanating from the photograph, the artist skillfully captures a character portrait that exudes confidence and sophistication.

/imagine prompt: Portrait of a male model in a stylishly structured suit, striking a stoically stylish pose, capturing his intense gaze against a gritty urban backdrop, monochrome color scheme, shot in high resolution using Nikon D850. Capture his chiseled facial features, the details of his attire, and imbuing the image with raw emotion. --v 5.2 --ar 4:5
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