Confident Man in Elegant White Suit: Detailed Black and White Portrait

a man in a white suit with a white beard

A distinguished man poses confidently in a striking, clean white suit, his sharp gaze piercing through the image's high contrast black backdrop. His snow-white beard, mirroring his outfit, adds further authority to his strong demeanor. Every crease of his perfectly tailored suit and strands of his well-groomed beard animate vividly, demonstrating the finesse of a fine-art style portrait. The minimalist backdrop enhances the man's prominence, creating a captivating spectacle.

/imagine prompt: Portrait shot of a man in a striking, clean white suit, confidently looking into the lens. His strong demeanor, complemented by a minimalist, high contrast black backdrop. The shot should be in fine-art style, maintaining vivid detail levels, using a Nikon D850, focusing on his sharp gaze and tailored suit --v 5.2 --ar 8:10
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