Close-up View of a Mystical Divine Entity Amid a Surreal Cosmic Space

a woman with her eyes closed and stars in the background

A close-up of a mystical figure, bathed in ethereal glow of nebula-like blues and violets, anchoring a celestial backdrop. Her features, an alloy of Greek and Hindu mythology, exude tranquility as her eyes stay shut in introspection. The image is strongly imbued with the aura of divine light, subtly illuminating her god-like presence. The style is redolent of sacred art, lending it a dreamy, surreal quality that permeates the cosmic space.

/imagine prompt: Conceptual, mystical divine being close up, in the background of a surreal cosmic space. Soft, ethereal glow, nebula-like colors: violets, blues. Greek and Hindu mythology influenced features. style reminiscent of Alex Grey's sacred art. Captured in high resolution with divine light illuminating the god-like figure --v 5.2 --ar 1:1
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