Ethereal Cosmic Deity Illuminated in Surreal Violet Light

a woman's head with a purple light shining through it

An ethereal image representing a divine being, in the backdrop of a surreal cosmic space, exudes a serene yet mystical presence. Soft, nebula-like colors infuse the image with hues of violet and blue, accompanied by a soft glow. Greek and Hindu visual inspirations define the figure's features. Subtle reflections illuminate the figure, emanating a divine aura. This imbues the image with an elusive beauty, straddling the boundaries of reality and mythology.

/imagine prompt: Conceptual, mystical divine being close up, in the background of a surreal cosmic space. Soft, ethereal glow, nebula-like colors: violets, blues. Greek and Hindu mythology influenced features. style reminiscent of Alex Grey's sacred art. Captured in high resolution with divine light illuminating the god-like figure --v 5.2 --ar 1:1
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