Dramatic Lighting on Ancient Stone Carved Deity Mask Display

a stone mask on display in front of a stone wall

A stone carving of an ancient deity, portrayed dramatically under subtle lighting. The weathered texture and natural stone hues play with the light, showcasing the details of the craft and emphasizing its cultural significance. The image boasts an exquisite sharpness that imparts a touchable quality to this antique art, taking the viewer on a vivid journey through the intricate patterns and shapes carved into the stone, embodying a fusion of history and mystery.

/imagine prompt: Stone carving of an ancient deity, lit dramatically, the image highlights the craftsmanship and cultural significance of the exquisite art. Render the image in high-resolution, highlighting weathered texture and natural stone hues, shot with medium format Hasselblad H6D-100c, fine-art photography --v 5.2 --ar 2:3
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