Dramatically Lit Ancient Deity Stone Carving Highlighting Textured Artistry

a carving of a face on a wall

This image portrays a magnificent stone carving of an ancient deity dramatically lit. The weathered texture of the sculpture and the natural hues of the stone are magnificently captured, presenting the exquisite craftsmanship and cultural significance of the art. Illuminated bold shadows enhance the depth and detail, while contributing to an overall atmospherical reverence, offering an authentic interpretation of historical artistry.

/imagine prompt: Stone carving of an ancient deity, lit dramatically, the image highlights the craftsmanship and cultural significance of the exquisite art. Render the image in high-resolution, highlighting weathered texture and natural stone hues, shot with medium format Hasselblad H6D-100c, fine-art photography --v 5.2 --ar 2:3
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