Early Morning Fog at a Serene Shinto Shrine with Vibrant Torii Gates in Japan

a red tori tori tori tori tori tori tori tori tori tori tori tori tori tori

A serene and tranquil image of a Japanese Shinto shrine, bathed in the soft, ethereal light of an early foggy morning. A pathway, lined with vividly orange torii gates, leads to the shadowed shrine, their hues shimmering against the verdant, surrounding greenery and muted stone grays. The image dazzles with a depth of detail as if lifted from a fine art canvas, evoking a sense of quiet reverence and spiritual solitude.

/imagine prompt: A serene Shinto shrine in Japan, drenched in the peaceful vibes of an early foggy morning. Striking torii gates leading to the shrine, vibrant orange contrasted against the lush greens and stone grays. Fine-art style, Canon EOS 5D Mark IV for high resolution. --v 5.2 --ar 3:2
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