Fine-Art Photography of Shiva Statue at Sunrise in Tranquil Temple

a statue of a woman with a flower in her hair by Thota Vaikuntham

An image of a divine statue, likely representing Shiva, set against a tranquil sunrise in a serene temple. The lighting techniques used exude an other-worldly aura. The careful composition accentuates the statue's grandeur. The sun rises gently in the backdrop, casting an exquisite golden hue to the entire scene. The texture of the statue, subtle and realistic, is highlighted, enhancing every intricate detail including a flower adorning the statue's hair.

/imagine prompt: Exquisite fine-art-style photograph of a statue of God Shiva against the backdrop of a serene sunrise in a peaceful temple. The divine aura is intensified with artistic lighting techniques and thoughtful composition. Shot on a Sony A7R IV, emphasizing photorealism and impressive details. --v 5.2 --ar 2:3
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