Emotive Black and White Portrait of a Man with Sharp Facial Features

a man in a hooded jacket looking at the camera

A black and white headshot of an expressive man with sharp, distinct facial features. His eyes, brimming with emotion, become the focal point of the image. Bathed in high-contrast lighting, his countenance exudes a rugged appeal, using light and shadow to accentuate his visage. The monochrome palette intensifies the drama, magnifying the emotional depth of the subject. This image would not be out of place in a commercial campaign.

/imagine prompt: Moody, black-and-white headshot of expressive black man, sharp facial features, eyes brimming with emotion, lit under harsh contrast lighting to present rugged appeal. Captured using Nikon D850. Strong emphasis on emotion and facial details, styled in a noir and dramatic method, fitting for commercial campaigns --v 5.2 --ar 2:3
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