Monochrome Portrait of Handsome Man with Confident Smile and Sparkling Eyes

a man wearing a tuxedo and a bow tie

In this captivating fine-art portrait, an attractive man exudes timeless elegance. The monochrome composition focuses on his striking facial features, particularly his structured jawline. A hint of a confident smile plays at the corner of his lips, while his eyes sparkle with a subtle glimmer. The use of dramatic lighting adds depth to the image, accentuating the man's charisma. This character portrait captures the essence of refined charm and meticulous attention to detail.

/imagine prompt: Fine-art portrait of an attractive man in monochrome, focusing on facial features, structured jawline, a hint of a confident smile, subtle sparkle in his eyes, detail-oriented, employing dramatic lighting for depth, shot with Nikon D5, high definition, timeless elegance --v 5.2 --ar 4:5
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