Expressive Black Man Portrait: Moody Black and White Headshot with Emotion and Rugged Appeal

a black and white photo of a man by Carl Morris

In this captivating black-and-white headshot, an expressive black man's face takes center stage. His sharp facial features draw attention, while his eyes brim with intense emotion. Lit under harsh contrast lighting, the image exudes rugged appeal. The focus is on capturing the rawness of his emotions and the intricate details of his face, creating a moody and dramatic atmosphere. With a noir-inspired style, this image captures the essence of a commercial campaign with its evocative and striking composition.

/imagine prompt: Moody, black-and-white headshot of expressive black man, sharp facial features, eyes brimming with emotion, lit under harsh contrast lighting to present rugged appeal. Captured using Nikon D850. Strong emphasis on emotion and facial details, styled in a noir and dramatic method, fitting for commercial campaigns --v 5.2 --ar 2:3
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